
Internal Code of Conduct

Anasayfa » Internal Code of Conduct

Hayata Anlam Katanlar is an independent humanitarian organization that aims to support people affected by or at risk of disasters in fulfilling their basic needs and rights.

Hayata Anlam Katanlar Code of Conduct is a framework that explains the expected behaviors from members to ensure the protection of human rights, the provision of fair and safe working conditions, and the provision of humanitarian aid in accordance with high ethical standards and responsibility.

Members of Hayata Anlam Katanlar are aware of the potential consequences of their actions while and outside of duty. In all cases, they comply with the Hayata Anlam Katanlar Code of Conduct and assume the responsibility of providing humanitarian aid to the highest possible standards.

Hayata Anlam Katanlar Code of Conduct
1 Hayata Anlam Katanlar works guided by humanitarian principles.
1.1. Humanity. In all situations, it takes into account the safety and dignity of all people.
1.2. Non-discrimination. It provides need-based humanitarian aid without discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, tribe, age, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, and political opinion.
1.3. Neutrality. It does not take sides in conflicts regardless of its personal experience, political, ethnic, religious belief or political ideology.
1.4. Independence. Its programs and interventions are based on need analysis, therefore the aid it provides to people in need is never based on political, economic, military or personal interests.
1.5. Accountability. It has the responsibility to individually and collectively account to beneficiaries, employees, donors, partners, individuals and communities of local and national organizations for all its actions.
2 Hayata Anlam Katanlar respects human rights and acts in accordance with the law.
2.1. It shows respect for the internationally recognized human rights, which are covered by the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

2.2. It acts in accordance with the laws of the country in which it works. In addition, if the Hayata Anlam Katanlar Code of Conduct imposes higher standards than the laws of the country in which it operates, it must comply with the Code of Conduct.
3 Hayata Anlam Katanlar has high ethical standards.
3.1. It does not resort to and never condones any form of violence, including but not limited to physical, emotional, verbal, economic or gender-based violence.
3.2. It never abuses its power arising from its position within the organization. Abuse of power includes but is not limited to favoritism, nepotism, cronyism, patronage relationships, corruption and sexual exploitation.
3.3. Its actions and words never include any form of harassment, bullying, coercion, discrimination or racism.
3.4. To prevent any conflicts of interest, it shares all information that may compromise its work and reputation with the Human Resources Department, including past professional experiences, communicable diseases, relationships with other family members or relatives working in Hayata Anlam Katanlar and beneficiaries.

3.5. It rejects all kinds of gifts, grants, favors, entertainment, loans, payments in cash or in kind, or anything of monetary value that comes directly or indirectly from any natural or legal person whose interests may be significantly affected by what the Makers of Life does or does not do. In meetings and visits, he can accept non-alcoholic beverages, modest food and handmade gifts of insignificant value in order to comply with social norms.

3.6. Knows how to use the Feedback and Grievance Mechanism, unfounded and malicious
does not make accusations.

4 Those who add meaning to life are professionals and believe in the power of teamwork.
4.1. Knows, understands and applies the rights and responsibilities arising from the employment contract, the policies and procedures of those who add meaning to life.
4.2. He performs the tasks assigned to him with professional competence, in a way that will get the best results.
4.3. Always dress while working according to working conditions, protocol rules and social context.
4.4. It contributes to providing a calm and productive working environment.
4.5. Treats colleagues with understanding and respect for personal differences; When a conflict arises, it tries to provide a friendly solution with an open and positive approach and constructive dialogue.
4.6. The humanitarian worker must be flexible, resilient and responsible in emergencies; knows that he/she can seek support to alleviate the negative consequences of his/her job.
4.7. Complies with safety and security measures, including persistent problems and emergencies.
4.8. Informs its manager of situations that may affect the operation of Those Who Add Meaning to Life.
4.9. He does not use alcohol or any other recreational drug while on duty, and he pays attention to this outside of duty, thinking that it may affect the dignity of those who add meaning to life.
4.10. He knows that his privacy and privacy are protected by law, but always uses common sense, taking into account that his actions and actions in his private life may endanger those who add Meaning to Life and their beneficiaries. She is aware that social media blurs the boundary between her personal and professional life and shows the same common sense in her use of social media.
4.11. Those who add meaning to life outside of duty do not use clothing and materials with the logo. Those Who Add Meaning to Life logo bag
is out of this scope.
4.12. He knows how to use confidential information obtained while working for those who add meaning to life and never shares such information with his colleagues or people and institutions other than those who add meaning to life, even anonymously.
4.13. While taking part in or visiting the events that add meaning to life; does not take visual and audio (photograph, sound recording, video, etc.) recordings, keep documents, do not broadcast unless the managers ask them or assign them for this. For all audio and visual recordings, the explicit consent of the persons must be obtained in writing and before the recording.
4.14. Those Who Add Meaning to Life know that all kinds of materials (photographs, videos, audio recordings, documents, etc.) acquired during their activities are the property of those who add meaning to life. Those who add meaning to life never share, use or disseminate these materials unless they publicly share them through their corporate communication channels.
5 Those Who Add Meaning to Life conserve their resources.
5.1. Knows financial management procedures and uses budgets efficiently.
5.2. Those who add meaning to life use their resources efficiently and effectively; to prevent damage or loss
5.3. Those who add meaning to life do not use or take their resources for personal purposes, and those who add meaning to life deliver all the materials and equipment of those who add meaning to life to the logistics team in their region.
6 Those Who Add Meaning to Life attach great importance to their corporate reputation.
6.1. He gets permission from his manager to represent Those Who Add Meaning to Life.
6.2. Shows due care when representing Those Who Bring Meaning to Life; It does not make any statement that could be understood as an outwardly Meaningful Life Commitment, and in communication with external stakeholders it references the Life Adders’ corporate disclosures.
7 Those Who Bring Meaning to Life protect children.
7.1. Those who add meaning to life know, understand and apply Child Protection Policies and Procedures and related codes of conduct.

7.2. It does not violate, support or condone the violation of international children’s rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Child rights violations include, but are not limited to, early marriage, child labour, child trafficking and child sexual abuse.
7.3. Those Who Add Meaning to Life use the child protection approach as an integral part of their professional work.
8 Those who add meaning to life observe the ecological balance.
8.1. Contributes to keeping the environment clean; It does not pollute the vicinity of buildings and vehicles of Life Makers, their donors, partners and beneficiaries.

8.3. It contributes to the sustainable management of waste. This includes recycling of paper, glass, plastic and harmful materials, as well as harmful waste such as electronic devices, light bulbs, fluorescent lamps and batteries.
8.4. In and around the buildings, offices, and vehicles of Those Who Add Meaning to Life
complies with and enforces the corporate “No smoking” rule.
9 Those Who Add Meaning to Life advocate gender equality.
9.1. She knows that women, men, girls and boys have different needs and ways of coping with difficulties and takes this into account when implementing their tasks.
9.2. Gender equality is a fundamental condition for the full realization of human rights.
as an integral part of their work.

Violation of the Code of Conduct
For those who add meaning to life, this document is directly related to the employment contract. For signatories who are not Life Makers employees, this document relates directly to the collaboration agreement or agreement that allows them to represent Life Makers.
Every Life Maker member must abide by this Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct is subject to disciplinary action and may result in, but not limited to, verbal warning, written warning, or termination of contract under the Human Resources Regulation. In some cases, legal consequences may arise based on the laws of the Republic of Turkey.
Meaningful Life members must ensure that violations of the Code of Conduct are handled with the utmost care. A member of those who add meaning to life is obliged to immediately notify one of his/her supervisors in case he/she realizes or has justified suspicion that the Code of Conduct has been violated. Where this is not appropriate, those who add meaning to life should use the Feedback and Grievance Mechanism as soon as possible. Intentionally failing to disclose a violation results in disciplinary action.
In case the laws of the Republic of Turkey or the country of employment are violated by the signatory, the signatory may be prosecuted under criminal or civil law. In such cases, Those Who Add Meaning to Life seek legal advice on the matter.
Suppliers and subcontractors of Life Makers comply with the Code of Conduct and Life Makers policies; It should be ensured that the necessary information is made accessible.

Statement of Understanding
Members of the Association of Life Makers must understand and agree to this Code of Conduct, which is an integral part of their contract or agreement. By signing this document, which is the official declaration of agreement to the Code of Conduct, a member of those who add meaning to life undertakes to act in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Any question mark regarding various parts of this Code of Conduct or its possible consequences.
the signatory can share this with their manager or the Advocacy and Quality Department.
The guidelines, regulations, policies and procedures referenced in this Code of Conduct may be under development or revised. Life Makers members are responsible for reading, understanding and applying the final versions of all referenced and/or attached documents, together with the Code of Conduct, from the moment they are made available.